Make a shift | Change your mindset | Move your body | Elevate your spirit
It’s ok to start over, create fresh boundaries, close an old chapter and rediscover a new one. I am here to support you on your own journey towards self- connection, freedom, and joy. Connect with your heart and listen to your soul speak.

I dare you to fall in love with who you are, and create a life you love. I would be honoured to help support you along your path. My work is to support you, and help you see your full potential, break down the barriers or the limiting beliefs that you may have. 1:1 coaching can be a powerful tool for those who feel stuck, or need some shifting in their lives. Someone to help guide them along their path from fear to love, and with support towards highest potential of joy and happiness. Try a few session with Tara and see what happens within your self and your life. Tara's spirit sparks change, positive outlooks towards what you might feel be burdens or blockages and set backs. Reframe your way of thinking, as we walk side by side through this journey of self discovery and self growth.
Tara Newbigging
Cultivate Space Group
Regain connection with self. Are you feeling a little lost, disconnected from self, and just burnt out? This group is about changing outlooks, inspiring new spark and joy. You will certainly feel a connection and support. The focus is on self growth and evolution and will touch on a variety of different topics and give you tools to tap into your truest self. At a time when things feel hard, stressful, disconnected and maybe you feel you have lost hope. Let these group coaching sessions help you spark your soul again.
Monthly Discussions : Dates posted here!
You can sign up for what you feel drawn to
Soul Coaching 1:1
Move through roadblocks, get unstuck, and step into your magic through one-on-one guidance and support. Soul coaching sessions are an intimate and interactive experience. A listening ear to provide guidance & support. Someone to challenge you and strengthen your own intuition. Tara is taking 1 : 1 client calls.
Email: Taranewbigginginspired@gmail.com
5 Sessions $450
10 Sessions $700
Spread out as you need
3 Month Support
Going through a change? Need support with your business idea's or fitness goals. Are you needed to stay accountable to taking action?
Join the 3 month container of support.
Each month: Group call beginning and end of month, and a 1:1 call each month.
(3, 1:1 sessions & 6 group sessions)
+ access to virtual fitness library of workouts.
To Join: email Taranewbigginginspired@gmail.com