1 month of Video access

Embodied Living with Tara Newbigging
"Both soft & fierce can co-exist + still be powerful."
- Danielle Doby
Experience a body centred exploration of your relationship with self through movement, meditation, breath work, supportive conversations, journaling and more.
For the month, you can sign up and have access to a video library of movement practices such as:
Strength, The b. class®, Meditation, Yoga, Gentle Recovery, Fun playful movement to explore.
Align yourself with what is serving you and what is not. Honour your desires, and deepen your connection to all aspects of self. Build a supportive container within your body, and heart for true embodied living.
Have access to these videos that you can do on your own time anytime! All videos are 30 min / 15 min.
Questions: Message Taranewbigginginspired@gmail.com