As 2024 comes to an end, and we enter 2025 I would like to Thank God.
As I reflect on the past 3 years of The b. class®. It is my desire this coming year, to share more and express more. In hopes to heal and help more.
Since day one, before I even knew it. (God), The Holy Spirit was calling me home. Through struggles and victories, this presence was always with me.
During moments of decision-making, heartbreak, joyful celebrations, and the deepest feeling of grief that I have ever felt. I was always guided.
Even though I didn’t understand, I knew when I was being guided. I could even feel wrong, when I didn’t listen, trust or believe.
The funny thing about the Holy Spirit is that we all have connection to it. Whether we believe it or not, it’s a choice that we can lean into and welcome in.
You choose.
As long as I can remember, I loved music. It was healing, and so freeing for me. The sound, the vibration, how it lifted my mind and my body I was hooked.
I can remember being a little girl making up dance routines, moving freely without a care of how I looked or what people thought. And then, fast-forward it to my years of figure skating, where things had to be perfect and I got marked based on performance. It became about a pass or fail, based on someone’s judgment. Somewhere along the way, that little free spirited girl got lost.
The freedom to just be free was gone, and the joy disappeared.
“I don’t like this.” my spirit shouted. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
And that was the end of competitive sports.
I hung up the skates, and traded the arena for the elliptical. After school I would walk to the gym, where all the adults would just be doing their thing. Headphones on, and the desire to disappear into freedom and flow ignited within me. No judgment about performance, just me and my mind and my music.
That’s where my first experience with somatic release and euphoric endorphins started!
It was like I could shut off the entire world, the mean kids at school , the feeling of ‘I didn’t belong,’ and just the feeling of 'feeling too much'!
It all went away as soon as I got on the elliptical and turned that music up loud.
One would say this is healthy, but for me, the healthy turn unhealthy!
I escaped, I became addicted to the euphoric endorphins. Until one day, I was hit with the biggest form of grief and loss.
I discovered quickly that I could not run from my feelings , even if I tried.
When the elliptical didn’t work, I took it outside to the forest and the woods where I could run fast, scream, and cry !
But it didn’t go away !
Something else appeared.
The comfort of spirit with guidance and messages and whispers to my heart pulling me back home, telling me that it was gonna be ok, reconnecting me. In some of my hardest times, I would find those messages in movement and music. It was like a song would come to me, a message to let go, and heal. This would provide such comfort and redirect my brain and heart to a better place.
As I grew up and new life experiences would come to me. This little messenger would keeping coming back.
Until I found myself in a dream, but it was actually real ! I signed a lease to have my own studio at 27 years old. Somewhere where I could completely be myself, do everything that I thought that I believed people needed, and no one telling me what was right and wrong and what I could and couldn’t do. My little free spirited girl was back and she was free!
I would play my music loud, not wear my shoes, swear, dance, be so free and encourage clients to do the same!
Those personal training sessions turned into life coaching release moments ! Where I would help them hear that little voice's whisper and guidance from within.
One day, I just started moving to music. I took those songs and messages and I found fitness, dance and freedom all in one.
This time it was about my heart and mind, rather than being destructive. The messages became healing, the numbing stopped. The forgiveness rolled in, and often tears would steam down my cheeks as spirit lift my head and heart open.
Once I had 13 songs choreographed, and ready to share, I can remember inviting women to come try. It was in Yellowknife Northwest Territories were it all started. Scared shitless, I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to get them to feel what I felt. But for some reason I was pulled and trusted.
It worked, 50 women showed up. 'I think they were excited about my excitement.' I turned down the lights, we took off our shoes, I turned up the music, and we were off to that magical place where spirit would speak to us as we moved our bodies. At first, I didn’t think anyone could hear what I was hearing. But after a few weeks the focus wasn’t just on the workout, the women started to hear the songs and the lyrics like I did. They could see the messages, and then tears would flood their eyes, and they too would have their own euphoric somatic release experience!
Now today, I call that God talking to you. It’s the Holy Spirit bringing you back home. Helping you heal all the toxic shit in your head and your heart, that's in the way of you living your most beautiful life.
The world want's us to believe that we are not good enough. The world want's to put us in a box and make us like everybody else. The outside world want's to make sure that we don’t shine too bright. Well, let me tell you what I’ve learned is that the Holy Spirit want's the opposite of that!
Through the years of leaning into what I call The b. class®, with over 55 instructors teaching this on a daily basis. In my heart, I am so blessed, that I followed and listened and felt all the pulls.
Through all the struggles and the victories, I keep coming back to my first encounter with music and healing. Fly: by Céline Dion & Sheryl Crow : I Believe. These songs are anchors to where it all began.
Tears to trust..... Thank you God for my wonderful wild ride of life.
-Tara Newbigging
My word, my dear dear friend - thank you so so much for telling your story! Beautifully written and so unashamedly you x